Bookeater's Journal


″the perks of being a wall flower″ Stephen Chbosky




この小説は次世代の″the catcher in the rye″と言われているらしい。共通点がいくつかある。繊細な思春期の少年が主人公であること。よく知らないけど知っている誰かに向かって語りかける形で物語が語られていること。主人公が精神的に一時病んでしまうこと、など。違う点は、「ライ麦…」は他の人物があまり登場しないが、この主人公には家族も友達も近くにいること、それからこの物語は一方通行の手紙という形式で書かれているところだ。そう!「あしながおじさん」の形式です!




この本における「wall flower」っていうのは、舞踏会の壁の花ではなく、みんなが話してる輪の外からよく観察している人みたいな感じで使われているようです。悪い意味じゃなく。本好きの人は多かれ少なかれこういう傾向があるのでは!?人の人生や自分の人生をどことなく他人事として見てしまう時があるというか…。それだけじゃなく関わって行きたいというのが、この主人公の頑張っているところで、そういう主人公になんとなく元気づけられました。「ライ麦…」よりハッピーです。


*Their similarities and differences*

Having opened this book to write these sentences, I read it from cover to cover again. What a magical power this book has!

Some people say this novel is a next generation "THE CATCHER IN THE RYE". They have a few things in common. Their protagonists are sensitive boys at the age of puberty. They are written in the forms that the boys are speaking to someone they know but doesn't know well. Their protagonists have been suffered from mental disorder temporarily. Also, these two stories are different on some aspects. " THE CATHER..." has few characters except for the main character, but this story has many other characters as families and friends around the boy. Besides, this book is written as one-way letters from the main character...yes, just like "DADDY-LONG-LEGS"!

Therefore, people who like both "THE CATCHER..." and "DADDY-..." would likely to love this book. In fact, it's me! Sorry to have talked enthusiastically...

So, if you satisfy these requirements, try this story. Sentences are easy, though have a lot of slungs. The protagonist's school English teacher lends him some books to read, which seem interesting, then this book can be read as a kind of book guide. "THE CACHER..." is also included in the book list.

This book has already been made into a movie. The writer himself is a director and script writer, and you won't find a big gap between them if you read the book after watching the movie.

In this book, the word "wall flower" means not that wall flowers in ball rooms but like someone who is observing people from outside of a circle of friends, not in a bad way. Bookish people seem to have such tendency, don't we? We sometimes look upon ourselves somehow from the other people's point of view not us. But the boy in this book keeps on trying to participate, that encourages me with no reason.

This is happier than "THE CATCHER IN THE RYE".