Bookeater's Journal


"Winesburg Ohio" Sherwood Anderson




2、3年前に"Olive Kitteridge"という本を読んだ。その本はアメリカのある架空の町に住む人々について書かれた短編集なのだが、ひとつひとつの物語が違う人物を主人公にしていて、本を読み終えるとOlive Kitteridgeという人物のことがよくわかる様な気がする…というような感じの話だった。これまでそんな本は読んだことがなかったので、新鮮ですごいと思った。でも書評を読むと、"Winesburg Ohio"のような本だって書いてる人がいて、それで読んでみたいなとなんとなく思っていた。で、そのままになっていたわけです。何となく…タイトルのせいかな。








*The importance of titles and geography*

There are some books whose titles we have heard of but which we have never thought of reading, like this one. Is it because of the title?

I read "OLIVE KITTERIDGE" a few years ago. The book consists of short stories written about people living in a fictional town in United States. Every story of the book has each protagonist not only Olive , the person who has the same name as the title, but after reading the whole book, I felt like to have understood who Olive Kitteridge is, at least I had such impression. It was the first time I have ever read a book like that, and I thought it groundbreaking. In it's book reviews, some people say that it's a book like "WINESBURG OHIO." Then I came to be curious about this book, but still I didn't read it. I don't know why.... Is it owe to the title?

Recently, I read a newspaper article about Kataoka Yoshio , a Japanese novelist. He says he likes this "WINESBURG OHIO" and read it over and over

'Well, I'll try it,' I thought, and finally read it, though  I have probably never read Kataoka's book.

Something like this sometimes happens. Books call us.

A book I borrowed from the library is a beautiful book with red cover and golden edge, and colour illustration. It wasn't on the shelf. It was in a stack room. So I need to ask them to fetch it. In the library, most of good books are always in the stack room, though dozens of Daniel Steel  books on the shelf.  Of course, they are popular and not bad, but sometimes I wonder who select the books in the library.

Anyway, few people would likely to borrow it, but I enjoyed reading this book. The society with no smartphone, even no cars (published in 1919), people are basically the same. They may be a little rougher. Plus, everyone seems to be a sloppy about parenting...

As I read, this book, appearing to be a group of unrelated short stories located in Winesburg Ohio, turns to have a one certain main character. In this aspect, it may similar to "OLIVE... .  It's amazing to have written a book in such a fresh construction like this long time ago.

Currently, I am reading another book located also in Ohio, I checked where it is on the map. 

It's in the north. I wondered that's the reason why there are no African American characters in the story.

I have no background knowledge. If I know more, the story will get more interesting, I guess. I need to study more.